Welcome Signs
Winning design
Congratulations to the sign design competition winner, Tayla Kiihfuss, whose hand-painted design had a land-slide victory. Her design got nearly double the votes of the 2nd place, and 3 x the votes of those in 3rd and 4th place!
We are now working with landowners and a signage company and hope to have the welcome signs installed in early 2024.
We'll keep you posted.

Huge thanks to everyone who entered the competition and all those who voted in person at Maungatapere School Ag Day and online.
Welcome Sign Design Competition
We are installing welcome signs to welcome people to Maungatapere. The signs will help to create a sense of place and encourage people to slow down or stop in.
And who better to design our welcome signs than those who live, work and play in Maungatapere?!
Get voting!
The entries are in and the judges have short-listed. And now it's time to have your say on which designs will feature on our new community welcome signs.
The signs will be on each State Highway coming into Maungatapere to welcome locals and visitors alike.
Please head to our voting page to choose your favourites
You can vote for up to your favourite four designs - or the one you think is best that should be on all four signs. The choice is up to you Maungatapere!
Thank you to all those who entered!
What’s in it for you?
As well as seeing your design welcoming people to Maungatapere, winning designs get $300!
So, get creative …

Sign requirements
The basics
Designs need to be rectangular with landscape orientation, so make sure the designs are shaped like rectangles and wider than they are tall. Finished signs will be 2.4m long x 1.2m (approx.) high
Maybe your design will be a mountain backdrop, a historical scene, something depicting our vibrant farming community, or something else you think represents our community
It can be a (high-resolution) photo, original artwork or something else….
The sign should include the word “Maungatapere” and any other words you set fit, with a maximum of 6 words.
Due to state highway regulations there are some rules we have to comply with:
Signs should have messages that are clear, concise and easily read
Signs should have a maximum of 6 words and/or symbols, with a maximum of 40 characters
Signs should have a minimum lettering height of 160mm
Signs should use a colour combination for the background, wording and legend that are not similar to those used for any official road sign or traffic sign
Signs should not use reflective materials, internal or external illumination, or variable, flashing, rotating or animated parts.
The Process
Entries are due by 5pm, 15th October 2023.
Once designs have been submitted we will be coming back to the community for your feedback on which design/s are your favourite and to choose our winners.
Voting closes 11 November 2023 and winners will be notified by email.
Winning designs may be modified to align with the other signs.
Winning signs will be installed at one of four locations on SH14 or SH15.
Terms and Conditions
All works are to be original. All submitters/entrants are to be the owner of the work(s).
You can enter as many times as you like.
Files can be hand-drawn or digital.
By entering this design competition you give the copyright of your work to Maungatapere Village Inc.
The $300.00 prize will be cash.
This competition is run by Maungatapere Village Inc. Members of Maungatapere Village Inc. are not eligible to enter.
Maungatapere Village Inc. will shortlist designs before seeking community input.
Community members will be able to vote on designs - 1 vote per design, up to a maximum of 4 votes per person for 4 sign designs.
Finalists will be notified if their work has been selected in the week beginning 13 November 2023.
Maungatapere Village Inc. reserves the right to amend or use elements of your design on the signs.
- Maungatapere Village Inc. reserves the right to reproduce and amend the design for advertising and marketing purposes. Entrants will not be entitled to royalty or other payment for reproduction.
If only one design is chosen, winning design gets $300, even if design used on all four signs.
Maungatapere Village Inc.’s decision is final.
By submitting an entry, you accept these terms and conditions. All enquiries regarding any of the conditions of entry can be emailed to maungataperevillage@gmail.com