Shraddha Yoga and Meditation at Mangakahia & Kara

Contact Details

Community Yoga classes
Monday Yoga at Poroti
Monday 6 - 7.15 pm.
Upstairs in the lounge at Mangakahia Sports Complex, Cnr Mangakahia & Kerehunga Roads
Wednesday Yoga at Kara Kokopu
Kara Kokopu Community Hall, 547 Kara Road
Wednesday 5.30 - 6.45 pm
Radhe from Shraddha Yoga and Meditation takes a gentle, stretch class suitable for all levels of fitness and flexibility. General yoga class - asana, pranayama, yoga nidra.
It's a great way to build strength and flexibility and meet neighbours and community members.
Also available on Zoom.
All welcome.
Classes run through school terms, with a break for school holidays.
Please bring your own yoga mat, water bottle and a blanket (or cotton sarong in the summer) for the relaxation.
If you prefer to attend via Zoom contact Radhe for details.
$15 per class casual; $12 on a 5-class card; $9 on a 10-class card.
Any queries re concession cards or any other details, please contact the teacher, Radhe