Rubbish & Recycling
Rubbish & Recycling pickup
Rubbish and recycling collection for our community is Thursday.
Each household is entitled to two recycling bins - a red bin for plastic (types 1,2 & 5) and aluminum tin cans and a blue bin for unbroken glass bottles and jars. They also take flattened paper and cardboard which can be tied into a bundle or put into a bag and put out with the recycling.
If your bins are damaged, stolen or you have moved into a property where no bin has been left, you can pick up a new one at a WDC Customer Service Centre.

Image source Whangarei District Council
Kokopu Transfer Station
Location: 802 Kokopu Road (close to the junction with Kokopu Block Road)
Their current days and hours are 7:30am - 4:30pm (Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday). Closed (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) as at August 2022.
Kokopu transfer station is closed on Christmas Day and Good Friday.
Days and hours of operation can change with the seasons, so go to the council's website
to check when they're open.
Costs: Charges are based on the volume of rubbish being disposed. Recycling is free. Some waste items like tyres, televisions and whiteware, have a special charge to cover the cost of appropriate disposal or recycling.
Hazardous Waste
The transfer station does not accept hazardous waste like paint, chemicals, oil, sprays and poisons, batteries and gas cylinders. Northland Regional Council runs a free monthly hazardous waste collection at the Re:Sort or can be dropped off at any time to Re;Sort (fees apply).
Lighting Fires
Visit Fire and Emergency New Zealand’s Check it’s Alright to find out what you need to do before you light a fire outdoors and whether you need a fire permit as restrictions can change throughout the year depending on conditions.
If it’s safe to light a fire or you have a permit, Northland Regional Council rules still apply to what you can burn - even in rural areas:
Materials such as rubber tyres, coated metal wires, treated timber, plastic, carpet, car parts and waste oil must not be burned
You must ensure that you do not cause a smoke or odour nuisance outside your boundary
All items must have been generated onsite. You cannot burn rubbish or materials brought from another location. You cannot take your waste to another location, such as a farm, to burn.
Reporting a smoke nuisance - or a fire
If you are concerned about smoke or a fire, try talking to the person, they may be unaware they are causing a problem. If the problem continues call NRC's 24/7 Environmental Hotline on 0800 504 639.
If you feel the fire is a danger, call 111 immediately.
If you are planning a fire, it can be useful to post on your local Facebook community group letting your neighbours you have a fire planned.
Environmental Issues
Environmental Hotline
Northland Regional Council operates a 24/7 Environmental Hotline where you can report all pollution and environmental incidents, including oil or chemical spills, air pollution, water pollution as well as maritime incidents or dangerous boating. 24/7 0800 504 639.
Rubbish Dumping
WDC clear illegal rubbish dumping (also known as 'fly-tipping') on public land, Council-maintained roads and riverbanks. You can report illegal rubbish dumping online.
To report rubbish on State Highway 14 or 15 contact NZTA on 09 969 9800.
To report rubbish in waterways contact the Northland Regional Council on 0800 504 639
Local Roads
Whangarei District Council maintains the local roading network. You can report issues with local roads such as potholes, slips, damage, gravel roads needing maintenance, flooding, etc to WDC via email mailroom@wdc.govt.nz or phone 09 430 4200 or 0800 932 463.
State Highways
State Highways 14 and 15 are maintained separately from the council by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. Please report any issues with the state highways to 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49) which is open 24/7.
Their Northland Facebook page is also useful for highway closures and maintenance works or use their Journey Planner which has the latest traffic updates on the state highway network.
If you're on the city water supply and have problems or water outages, contact Whangarei District Council.
If you're on the Maungatapere Irrigation Scheme contact Rob Walker on 0800 247 5212 with any issues.
Mobile Library
The Mobile Library visits the area on the following locations:
Maungatapere - Beside Rosey's Takeaways, 1141 State Highway 14, Maungatapere
Time & Day: 3:00pm - 4:00pm Wednesdays twice a month - check the Dates
Titoki Store - 1475 Mangakahia Road, Titoki, 0172
Time & Day: 11:45am - 12:00pm one Wednesday a month - Dates
Parakao Hall - Corner Hunter and Mangakahia Road, Parakao
Time & Day: 12:15pm - 12:45pm one Wednesday a month - Dates
Pakotai School - Ruddell Road, Pakotai, Maungatapere
Time & Day: 1:30pm - 2:00pm one Wednesday a month - Dates
Whatitiri Community Centre - 33 Whatitiri Road, Maungatapere
Time & Day: 3:00pm - 3:30pm one Wednesday a month - Dates

Image thanks to Whangarei District Council
Roaming Dogs and Wandering Stock
You can report issues with dogs, stock and other animals online or if it's urgent, contact WDC's animal control team on 0800 932 463 or 09 430 4200 (24 hours a day). Urgent issues include dog attacks, rushing dogs, you have secured a dog, stock is on the road, or there is an ongoing barking or wandering dog issue.
Please contact the SPCA on 09 438 9161 if you believe a dog, cat, horse or other animal is being mistreated. Issues or concerns for stock or farm animals can be reported to MPI on 0800 00 83 33 or online.
Please contact police if stock are on the highway or have caused an accident.
Pests and Weeds
Northland Regional Council's Pest Control Hub is a great resource to identify pest animals, insects and plants and how best to control them. They also run free weed control workshops annually. For more information contact 0800 002 004.

Images: Northland Regional Council
Bus Service
Currently, the City Link Bus service only comes out as far as Kiwi North, Maunu and doesn't cover Maungatapere. However, the West Coaster bus service travels from Dargaville to Whangārei and back with stops from Tangiteroria, Whatitiri, and Maungatapere.
It operates Monday – Friday (except public holidays).
Download the timetable.
Justices of the Peace
If you need a JP to witness a document or for something else, you'll find our local Maungatapere or Titoki based JPs. Or you can search the Justice of the Peace database by '0179' (Maungatapere) or '0176' (Titoki) postcodes.
Mobile Ear Clinic
Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau (formerly Northland DHB) runs a free Children's Mobile Ear Clinic. It visits Maungatapere at Back to Basics Childcare, 179 Newton Road, Maungatapere.
No appointment is required just drop on in-this is a free service for all children/and teens 6 months to 18 years of age.
Phone 0800 MY EARS (0800 693 277) to speak directly to one of our team for more information including dates and venues for upcoming clinics.
Report an Issue
Whangarei District Council looks after a range of things from local roading (outside of state highways), animal control, rubbish and recycling, noise complaints, and a whole bunch more.
If you've found something that needs attention you can report it online. Issues reported online outside of Council hours (8:30am to 4:30pm) will not be investigated until the next working day. If it's urgent, they have a 24/7 phone line 0800 932 463 or 09 430 4200.
Issues with State Highway 14 or 15 can be reported 24/7 to Waka Kotahi on 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49).
This information has been collected and shared with the best of intentions, but things may have changed, so if in doubt - please check with the organisation responsible.
If we've missed a local service, please let us know.